Rad Code

Rad Code


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Subject Categories from Rad Code:

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The structure of every Website, and the very first step of anyone that would like to have a job in any subject related to web development. Even web scraping requires some knowledge of HTML. With also a bit of CSS, we have all the basics covered to get you started! And we are always creating even more posts related to Web Dev so stay with us!

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From the simplest automation tasks, games and programs to a career in machine learning or data science! Python enables you to become the programmer you want to be. Here we not only teach how to code in Python, but also how to think like a programmer and many concepts like data structures and algorithms.

Some of the newest Posts from Rad Code:

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Tuples in Python

Python Tuples and Tuple Comprehensions: A Comprehensive Tutorial Tuples are an essential part of Python’s versatile data structures. They resemble lists…

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Lists in Python

Python Lists and List Comprehensions: A Comprehensive Tutorial Lists are one of Python’s most versatile and fundamental data structures. They allow…

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Python Variables

Python Variables: A Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide Understanding variables is a foundational step in learning Python programming. In this comprehensive tutorial tailored…

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Intro to Python

Python Basics: A Comprehensive Tutorial for Beginners Python is a versatile and beginner-friendly programming language that serves as a fantastic entry…

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HTML Images

HTML Images: A Comprehensive Tutorial HTML allows you to display images on web pages. In this tutorial, we will cover everything…

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HTML and CSS: A Comprehensive Tutorial 1. Introduction to CSS: HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are the foundational…

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