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HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web pages. It describes the structure of a Web page. HTML consists of a series of elements that tell the browser how to display the content.


Take a look at all our tutorials teaching HTML

Simple, Summarized, And a lot of Examples

  • Introduction to HTML and HTML Editors

    Introduction to HTML and HTML Editors

    Introduction to HTML Editors: A Comprehensive Tutorial As a beginner in web development, you’ll need a tool to create and edit HTML documents efficiently. HTML …

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  • HTML Elements

    HTML Elements

    HTML Elements: A Beginner-Friendly Tutorial HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the foundation of web development. It allows you to create structured content on a web …

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  • HTML Attributes

    HTML Attributes

    HTML Attributes: A Beginner-Friendly Tutorial HTML attributes are additional properties that can be added to HTML elements to provide extra information or modify their behavior. …

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  • Text Formatting in HTML

    Text Formatting in HTML

    Text Formatting in HTML: A Beginner-Friendly Tutorial HTML provides various text attributes that allow you to enhance the appearance and readability of text on web …

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  • HTML Comments & Quotes

    HTML Comments & Quotes

    Comments and Quotations in HTML: A Comprehensive Tutorial HTML Comments & Quotes are a necessity to know in your Web Dev journey. In this tutorial, …

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  • HTML Colors

    HTML Colors

    Colors in HTML: A Comprehensive Tutorial Colors play a crucial role in web design, allowing you to make your web pages visually appealing and engaging. …

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  • CSS


    HTML and CSS: A Comprehensive Tutorial 1. Introduction to CSS: HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are the foundational technologies used for …

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  • HTML Images

    HTML Images

    HTML Images: A Comprehensive Tutorial HTML allows you to display images on web pages. In this tutorial, we will cover everything you need to know …

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