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Python Language

Python Language

The Programming Language Created by a Monty Python Fan

Python is one of the most popular and versatile programming languages in the world today. It is used for a wide range of applications, from web development and data science to machine learning and artificial intelligence. But do you know who created Python and why? Here we will introduce you to the creator of Python and some of the key features of this amazing language.

Who is Guido van Rossum?

Guido van Rossum is the creator of Python. He was born in 1956 in the Netherlands and studied mathematics and computer science at the University of Amsterdam. He started working as a programmer at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in 1982, where he was involved in various projects, such as the Amoeba distributed operating system and the ABC programming language.

In 1989, during the Christmas holidays, van Rossum decided to start a new hobby project: a scripting language that would be a successor to ABC, but with more features and flexibility. He named it Python, after his favorite comedy show, Monty Python’s Flying Circus. He wanted Python to be a fun and easy language to use, with a clear and expressive syntax.

Van Rossum released the first version of Python (0.9.0) in 1991 on the alt.sources newsgroup. Since then, Python has grown in popularity and has attracted a large and active community of developers and users. Van Rossum has been the principal author and leader of Python until 2018, when he stepped down from his role as the Benevolent Dictator for Life (BDFL) and delegated the decision-making process to a group of core developers.

What are the features of Python?

Python is a high-level, interpreted, object-oriented, and dynamic programming language. It has many features that make it a powerful and versatile language, such as:

  • Easy to code: Python has a simple and elegant syntax that is similar to the English language. It is easy to learn and write, and does not require a lot of boilerplate code. Python also has a built-in interactive interpreter that allows you to run and test your code quickly and easily.
  • Free and open source: Python is free to download and use for any purpose. It is also open source, which means that anyone can contribute to its development and improvement. Python has a large and diverse standard library that provides a wide range of modules and packages for various tasks and domains, such as web development, data analysis, GUI programming, networking, and more.
  • Object-oriented: Python supports multiple programming paradigms, but it is primarily an object-oriented language. This means that Python allows you to define and create your own data types, called classes, and manipulate them as objects. Objects have attributes (data) and methods (functions) that define their behavior and interactions. Object-oriented programming helps you to organize your code in a modular and reusable way.
  • Dynamic: Python is a dynamic language, which means that it does not require you to declare the type of variables or parameters before using them. Python automatically infers the type of data at runtime and performs the appropriate operations. This makes Python more flexible and expressive, but also more prone to errors and bugs.
  • Integrated: Python is an integrated language, which means that it can easily interact with other languages and technologies. You can use Python to call functions or libraries written in C, C++, Java, or other languages. You can also embed Python code in other applications or environments, such as web browsers, databases, or operating systems.

Why should you learn the Python Language?

Python is a great language to learn for many reasons, such as:

  • Popularity: Python is one of the most widely used and loved programming languages in the world. It has a huge and growing demand in the industry, especially in the fields of data science, machine learning, and web development. Learning Python can open up many opportunities and career paths for you.
  • Productivity: Python is a very productive language that allows you to write less code and do more. Python has many features and tools that help you to write clean, concise, and efficient code. Python also has a rich and diverse ecosystem of frameworks and libraries that can help you to create and deploy complex and scalable applications with ease.
  • Creativity: Python is a very creative language that encourages you to experiment and explore new ideas. Python has a simple and intuitive syntax that lets you focus on the logic and functionality of your code, rather than the syntax and details. Python also has a lot of fun and interesting modules and packages that can help you to create amazing and innovative projects, such as games, graphics, animations, music, and more.

How can you learn the Python Language?

If you are interested in learning Python, there are many resources available online that can help you to get started. One of the best ways to learn Python is to enroll in a comprehensive and interactive online course that covers the basics as well as the advanced topics of Python. It can help you to learn Python from scratch, with the help of expert instructors, videos, quizzes, assignments, and projects. Although these courses vary in their prices, we have tried our best to cover Python in our free tutorial blog. We also have in mind to create educational videos and make it possible for you to get in touch with our instructors to achieve an even better understanding of Python and Programming concepts.


Python is a powerful and versatile programming language that was created by Guido van Rossum, a fan of Monty Python. It has many features that make it easy to code, free and open source, object-oriented, dynamic, and integrated. Python is also a popular and productive language that can help you to create and deploy complex and scalable applications in various domains, such as web development, data science, machine learning, and more. So, what are you waiting for? Start your Python journey today and unleash your creativity and potential with this amazing language.